Solar in

california state outline filled with sunset solar image

There’s never been a better time to go solar in Southern California. With powerful solar incentives and clear weather year-round, you’ll save more in California than just about anywhere. These ideal conditions have helped Californians to install more solar than the next four states, combined.

At Sater Electric, we’ll work with you to maximize these savings, review financing options, and ensure you get the best deal in town.

Everyday Energy Savings


Your life doesn’t stop when the power goes out. With our custom solar + battery systems, the lights stay on through storm days and utility-planned shutoffs. Reliable solar energy keeps your family comfortable, your home online, and your world in motion.


With rising electricity rates and time-of-use pricing, it’s hard to know what to expect from your California energy bill. Go solar with Sater to lock in predictable monthly payments – typically lower than your current costs. As you pay off your panels, you move toward FREE home electricity.

California's Solar

Solar Tax Credit

As a California homeowner, you’re eligible for the Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC). With this federal incentive, you’ll claim 30% of your solar and battery install costs as deductions on your install year’s taxes, as long as you have your Permission to Operate in place by December. In September 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act increased this benefit from its prior 26% rate and extended it’s timeframe to allow more homeowners to invest in solar.

Battery Storage

The Self-Generation Incentive Program offers rebates starting at $200/kWh to PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E customers who install solar + battery systems, with funding available through 2024. California residents who live in high fire risk areas, experience Public Safety Power Shutoffs, are low income, or are medically vulnerable may be eligible for even greater benefits under this program – covering up to $1000/kWh in storage costs.

Net Metering

California created its net metering program in 1995, promoting its leadership as the #1 state for residential solar. With net metering, when your solar array produces more electricity than your home needs, you’ll sell the excess power to the utility grid. Today, big changes may be coming to the program. By getting started on your solar install today, you’ll be grandfathered in with California’s current net metering rates.

Property Taxes

Installing solar will increase the resale value of your home. However, under the Solar Energy System Property Tax Exclusion, your April 15th payments won’t go up. Your tax assessment will remain the same through 2025.

Are you ready to free yourself from the grid with reliable, affordable & renewable power? 

Call or email Sater Electric for your FREE quote.